What is solar energy ?

The Solar energy, which is the cleanest renewable energy source of the Еarth, is actually radiation energy. A large part of this energy consists of hydrogen. For this reason, it is known as the cleanest source of renewable energy on Earth. The radiation energy released during the transformation of hydrogen into helium, is called solar energy. Outside the World, this energy is almost fixed value and has 1370 W/m2 power. The power of this energy on Earth is maximum 1100 W/m2. These radiations are converted to electrical energy thanks to solar panels. The systems that do this are called “Solar panel systems” or “Sun Panel Systems”.


Europe is very suitable for solar energy systems. As in all over the world, solar panels are becoming a part of our everyday life. Compared to other renewable energy sources, solar energy is cleaner and cheaper, and for this reason it is being spread and used at a rapid pace. Global solar power generation is increasing. Nowadays, solar systems are often used as solar panel installations, both on the ground and on the roofs of industrial and residential buildings.


What are the advantages of solar energy?

  • Solar energy is the cleanest renewable energy source.
  • It is an inexhaustible energy source.
  • It can be used in almost every field where energy is needed.
  • Operating costs are quite low.
  • Natural and ecological source of energy. No harmful waste for the environment.
  • It’s independent and not affected by economic crises.


GES land installations
GES Commercial and Industrial Roof Installations
GES Home Roof Installations
GES Agricultural Irrigation Installations